Versiune in Romana


UN - FAO National Correspondent in Romania


Mr. Bogdan BAZGĂ



Counsellor for European Affairs

UN - FAO National Correspondent in Romania

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

General Directorate for European Affairs and International Relations

Phone:  + 40.21.307.86.42

            + 40.21.307.85.70

e-mail :   bogdan.bazga(at)  



Biography of Mr. Bogdan BAZGĂ :



Mr. Bogdan Ion BAZGĂ is the UN - FAO National Correspondent in Romania, Counsellor for European Affairs within Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Deputy General Director of Transnational SEE “TECH FOOD” Project: Solutions and Interventions for the Technological Transfer and Innovation of the Agro-Food Sector in South – East Regions” and National Coordinator – for the United Nations “High Level Panel Experts - HLPE ” of FAO.


He is an Official Representative of Romania in the COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION for:

·        Coordination Working Group FAO of the United Nations

·        Coordination Working Group for PROBA (Commodities) - International Treaty’s and Agreements, EU Negotiation Teem. 

and Romanian Official Representative in the OECD / Committee  for Agriculture – CoAg.




From May 2011, Mr. Bogdan BAZGĂ is a Member of the National Committee for Food Security and Strategy, within the Academy of  Romanian Scientist. 


In 2010, the United Nations Organization for Food and AgricultureFAO awarded     Mr. Bogdan BAZGĂ with the FAO Medal “World Food Day 2009 -   Achieving food security in times of crisisin recognition of his activity done in Romania for comprehensive, catalytic initiative and diplomatic activity.



He is currently a PhD student at The Bucharest University of Economics ASE.

In 2008, he graduated at the Romanian National College of Defence within “Carol I National Defence University - Bucharest, the Postgraduate Course for National Security & International Relations.


Mr. Bogdan BAZGĂ has two Master Degree one in Political Science and International Relations (2006) at the University of Bucharest – Faculty of Political Sciences with experience in “Management of negotiations in UN Organization & UN Agencies, Special techniques for negotiations in International Relations”, and another in Master Degree in Hydro Informatics (1997).    



From 2008, Mr. Bogdan BAZGĂ and is a Member of the „Academy of Political Science" in New York.



Mr. Bogdan BAZGĂ graduated in 2005 the “Diplomatic Academy” of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, section International Law and International Relations and he also obtained the “Graduation Certificate for Young Romanian Diplomats” following the postgraduate course held by the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Study Centre of Strasbourg and France Embassy in Romania - Decisional Process in European Union Institutions.



Mr. Bogdan BAZGĂ also graduated in 2004 the Postgraduate course Community Law and International Relations at “Nicolae Titulescu” University - Faculty of Law and International Relations.



In 1996, he graduated the Technical University of  Construction Bucharest  - Faculty of Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Protection.