


ARMENIA, Yerevan, 37518,

Tigran Mets av, 24, apt.56,

Tel. : (37410) 58 15 97 (tel.& fax in office)

(37410) 52 56 09 (home); (37494) 52 56 09 (mobile)

e-mail: hayguni(at)yahoo.fr




DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH: May 25, 1956; Yerevan, Armenia.




MARITAL STATUS: Married. Two adult daughters.



LANGUAGES: Fluent in Armenian, Russian, French, Good knowledge in English, Ukrainian, Limited knowledge: Polish, Italian


COMPUTER SKILLS: Operating Systems: 20 years experience of Word, Excel, Paint, PowerPoint, Photoshop, Word Perfect, etc.


OTHER SKILLS: Driver License of Cars (since 1977), Driver License of Tractors and Agrarian Machines (since 1975).




Armenian State Agrarian University, Yerevan. Department of Viticulture, Horticulture and Plant Protection.

  • Title Associate Professor («DOCENT»). 1999

National Research Institute for Viticulture, Wine-making and Fruit Growing Yerevan

  • Doctoral Thesis, Supreme Certificate Committee to the USSR Moscow
  • Diploma of Ph.D. of Agricultural Sciences. No. CX N° 010860, 1987 - 1988
  • (Specialty: Fruit Growing)

Armenian CP University of Sociological Sciences Yerevan

  • Diploma of Philosophy and Sociology (with Honors). No. 0058 1985 - 1987

Armenian State Agrarian University, Yerevan. Department of Horticulture, Fruit Growing, Viticulture and Vegetable Crop

  • Certificate of Postgraduate Study Completion 1980 - 1982
  • Diploma of Engineer in Agronomy (with Honors) No. CN 479754 1974 - 1979



FAO European Regional Workshop, Coherence in Information for Agricultural Research for Development" (CIARD) 2010, 1 week, 

  • Certificate of Completion.


Armenian State Agrarian University Yerevan

  • Electronic Course Management System – MOODLE 2007, 1 week

Center of Formation Pernod-Ricard and INTERACTIFS-FRANCE. Paris, France

  • Cycle of relations and interactive negotiations 2001, 1 month

Institute of Agriculture and Horticulture in Genech France

  • Improvement and perfection of Professional Qualification 1997-1998, 4 months

EU-TACIS Co-ordination Unit in Armenia and ITAD Ltd. Yerevan

  • Course “Project Cycle Management using the Logical Framework Approach”. 1996, 1 week
  • Certificate of Completion.

Crédit Agricole Consultants. France. National Center, Caisse Régionale de l’Isère, Caisse Locale du Beaurepaire. 1995, 1 week

  • Study of the Agricultural Mutual Banking system & rural loan distribution.

National Institute of the Agricultural Research (Bordeaux and Avignon Centers), France. National Agronomic Institute of Montpellier, National Horticultural Institute of Versailles.

  • Internship of Research and Education. 1989, 11 months.

Institute of the Foreign Languages (CAVILAM) Vichy, France

  • French language Internship (with ``Good`` knowledge) 1988, 2 months

USSR State Institute of the Foreign Languages (Maurice Thorez) Moscow

  • French language knowledge competition (with ``Good`` knowledge) 1988, 1 week

Linguistic private Institute “Mashtots“. Yerevan

  • French language Internship (with ``Good`` knowledge) 1988, 2 months

Ukrainian (National) Agricultural Academy. Kiev, Ukraine. Department of Improvement and Department of Software. 1987, 3 months

  • Certificate of Improvement for Professional Qualification.
  • Certificate of Achievement of Hardware & Software.

Armenian State Institute of the Pedagogy Yerevan

  • Classes and Training in the English language 1986, 2 months

Horticultural (National) Institute of Ukraine. Ouman, Ukraine

  • Chairs of Fruit Growing. Internship of Education 1985, 1 week

Agricultural (National) Academy “Timiriazev” in Moscow Moscow

  • Chairs of Fruit Growing. Internship of Research and Education 1981, 1 month

Ukrainian (National) Agricultural Academy. Kiev, Ukraine

  • Internship of Research of Fruit Crowing 1980, 1 month

All Poland Student Association. Poland, Warsaw

  • Agricultural stage and international exchange of the students. 1978, 2 months





Network Coordinator, since 2010– to present



1. Associate Professor of Fruit Growing, Viticulture & Plant Protection (part time) since 1999 – to present

2. Research Leader of Science & Research Center (part time) since I/2008 – to present

3. Responsible of French-Armenian Relations (free of charge) 1991 – to present

Supervisor of the Postgraduate Study Department (part time) 1983 – 1987

Senior Lecturer, Lecturer, Postgraduate, Researcher (full time, part time) 1980-1998


MOTHER SEE OF HOLY ETCHMIADZIN (Armenian National Church) Echmiadzin, Armenia

Director of Economic Activities Department I/2006 - I/2007


PERNOD RICARD GROUP, Yerevan Brandy Company Armenia

Head of Scientific & Agricultural Department 1998 - 2006


EU-TACIS & AFDI "Agro Apaga" (Agro Future) Project Armenia, France

Expert - Coordinator (part time simultaneously with the main employment) 1996 – 1998


UNDP "Rural Rehabilitation and Development" Project Armenia

Advisor- Expert (part time simultaneously) 1996, 2 months

EU-TACIS “Agricultural Cooperative Bank of Armenia” Project, Armenia

Secretary General, Chief Agricultural Advisor, Regional Responsible, Expert 1994 - 1996 

Armenian Assembly of America, “Armenia Tree Planting” Project Armenia

Expert of tree planting and Field officer for training of the refugees (part time) 1993-1994

"Herald of Agricultural Sciences" Review from Ministry of Agriculture Yerevan

Chief Translator (from Armenian to English, French, Russian) (part time) 1993 - 1994

Advisor, Counselor and Expert in to different national or International Projects. Armenia, 1991 - 2008

Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Food and Horticultural Production, Ministry of Environment and Ecology, Armenian - American Extension Project, Volunteers in Overseas Co-operative Assistance (VOCA), Land and Culture, Comptoir Commercial d’Orient, Croix Rouge, Protéine Verte etc.- (free of charge).

“Arindje” State Farm (Sovkhoz) - Fruit Trees Nursery Armenia, Kotayk region

Agronomist, responsible of the quality of production 1979 - 1980



  • 28 years of Scientific Research,
  • 21 years of Superior Education,
  • 12 years of Management & Administration.
  • 10 years of International Projects.

Strategic Responsibilities: education & research; management & direction of teams; control of gestation.

Operational Responsibilities: animation & organisation; conseil & technical assistance; studies of feasibility.



Research in perennial plant’s nursery, fruit growing, genetic resources, breeding and selection: the results are reflected in 21 publications and documents from different languages and 12 participations or expositions in national and international scientific meetings. Humanitarian Aids, Business & Social Progress, Democracy.



1. Dictionnaire français - arménien d’Arboriculture fruitière et Viticulture, Yerevan, (in the impression) . 60 pages, (in French, Armenian),

2. Names and Classification of All World Fruit Plants (in Armenian, Latin, English, French, Russian). Yerevan. 2008. 56 pages.

3. Persimmon growing in Armenia & Artsakh. From Revue of the Scientific Conference. Yerevan-Stepanakert, 2008, 6 pages. (in Armenian),

4. Apricot of Armenia, history and importance. From Revue of the Armenian Apricot International Conference. Yerevan, 2007, 10 pages. (in Armenian),

5. Viticulture d`Arménie : production emblématique. From Revue of the Conference of Society of Geography of France: Paris. 2007, 12 pages. (in French),

6. Contracts on purchases of grapes from grape-growers: 2001-2003. From the Conference: Growing quality grapes to produce quality wines. Armenian State Agrarian University and USDA. Yerevan. 2003.

7. Classification of Fruit Plants for students (in Armenian, Russian, Latin, English and French). Yerevan. 1995. 24 pages

8. Guide - Handbook for Gardener. (in Armenian). Yerevan, 1990, 267 pages (with S.Stepanian & others).

9. Guarding and Recovering of Wild Fruit Plants. (in Armenian). Yerevan. "Nature of Armenia". 1985. V: 4 (74). P. 36 - 39.

10. Studying the degree of depth of fertilization under the Plum Trees for industrial crop. (in Russian). Mitchourinsk (Russia), "Problems of Efficacy of Modern Fruit Growing". 1982. P. 33 - 35.

11. The terms of flower-buds differentiation of Plum-trees in Ararat Valley.(in Russian). Krasnodar - Moscow. "Conference of Young Scientist of All USSR". 1982. P.110 - 112.

12. Efficiency of growing by condensation method of Vegetable Crop in Ararat Valley. (With A. Atabekian, in Armenian and Russian). Yerevan. "Herald of Agricultural Sciences". 1980. V: 8, P. 44-48.



- Agricultural Academy of France (Foreigner Correspondent Member). 2001 – to present

- Specialized Scientific Council of Fruit Growing and Viticulture of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture of Republic of Armenia (Vice-Chairman) 1993 - 1998

- International Society for Horticultural Sciences (ISHS) 1990 – to present

- All the USSR Organization of the Professors in Horticulture 1985 - 1991

- Committee of the Council of Young Scientist of RSS of Armenia 1984 - 1989



  • United Nation Development Programs (UNDP)
  • Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO),
  • United States Department of Agriculture (USDA),
  • European Union Technical Assistance in CIS (EU-TACIS).
  • Agricultural Cooperative Bank of Armenia (ACBA - Credit Agricole),
  • Agricultural programs in Armenia of “Millennium Challenge Foundation”
  • Yerevan Brandy Company of Pernod Ricard
  • INRA, Research Station for the Fruit Growing, Center of Bordeaux, 33000, Grand-Ferrade, France (Director M-me F. Dosba, Scientists: Dr. G. Salesses, Dr. R. Renaud, Dr. R. Monet)
  • INRA, Research Station for the Mediterranean’s Fruits, Center of Avignon, 84000, Montfavet, France (Director Dr. J-L. Poessel, Scientists: Dr. Ch. Grassely, Dr. J-M. Audergon).
  • National Agronomic Institute of Montpellier (ENSAM), Chair of Fruit Growing, (Prof. P. Villemure, P-E. Lauri), 2, Place Viala, 34060, Montpellier, France.
  • Centre de Recherche Pernod Ricard, M. Patrice DESMAREST, Général, Director
  • Daniel DERCHUE, Responsable of Agronomic Laboratory 120, av.du Maréchal Foch. 94015, Créteil, France.
  • M-r Georges Delbard, "Delbard International", Malicorne, 03600, Commentry, France.
  • Mr. Y. Amizet, International Expert. Crédit Agricole Jura. 2, P.Bichat. 39000. Lons-Le-Saunier. France.
  • M. Pierre FLEURY, Commercial Director, "SIPCAM-PHYTEUROP", Courcellor 2, 35, rue d°Alsace, 92531, Levallois-Perret, France.
  • Olivier BALABANIAN, Françoise ARDILLER-CARRAS, Prof. of Geography, University of Limoges, France.
  • VIR (National Agricultural Research Institute), Station of Fruit Growing and Vegetable Crop, Krymsk, Krasnodar, Russia (Director Dr. G. Eryomin).
  • Ukrainian (National) Agricultural Academy, Chair of Fruit Crowing and Vegetable Crop, 6,. ul. Geroev Oborony St., Kiev, Ukraine (Dr. V. Fedorenko).
  • Dr. F. Cossio, Research Institute for the Fruit Growing, 25, Via S.Giacomo, 37131, Verona, Italy.
  • Dr. Bindra A. S., Department of Horticulture, Punjab Agricultural University.141004, Ludhiana, India.



Missions: Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, France, Belgium, Austria.

Missions of accompaniments of the Armenian professionals (agriculture & education) in France: 1996-2005.

Visits: Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, France Latvia, Estonia, Holland, Germany, Swiss.



Cameras, Microscopes, Exotic plants domestic growing, Chess, Tennis, Dance (National School of choreography, Yerevan, 1965-70), Artistic skating (among first Armenian sportsman, Yerevan, 1972-75), Cinema (starring in a film in St.-Petersburg, 1969) etc. Christianity confidence. Non-smoker. Alcohol abstainer.