
Curriculum Vitae: Nara Yaralyan

Personal Data:

First Name: Nara

Last Name: Yaralyan

Birth Date: 24.04.1970

Nationality: Armenian

Phone: +374 10 232038
+374 91 583210 (mobile)

E-mail: narayaralian(at)yahoo.com


Education and Training:

1987-1994: Yerevan State University, Department of Russian Philology, Major in Linguistics (Master Degree)

2000-present: Yerevan State University, Sub-faculty of Laguage Typology, History and Methodology (Russian Philology Department), Postgraduate

Aug, 1998: Professioanl Training Course on Information and Communication Systems in Agriculture, Cochran Fellowship Program, PennState and VirginiaTech Universities, USA

Feb, 2004: Sub-regional AGRIS/IMARK Workshop for Central and Eastern Europe on Electronic Publishing and Metadata Management (Kiev, Ukraine)

Sep, 2004: Training on Production and management of electronic documents, web database and Integrated library management systems, ICARDA Headquater, Aleppo, Syria


Work experiences:

Present position: Agricultural Support Republican Center, Editor

Jan-Dec, 2002: AGROPRESS Editorial Center, Foreign Affairs and PR Officer

1997-2002: AGROPRESS Editorial Center, Editor and Proofreader for the Information Department and "Agrolratu" ("Ag Reporter") Newspaper

1994-1995: "Armenian News and Comments" Info- and Analitical Center, Expert on Information Management

1992-1994: "AR" Weekly, Journalist


Participation in Co-operative Projects

2001: Interregional Project for Development of Private Business in Armenia, Tacis "Bistro" Project, Information Co-ordinator

2001: Project for Improving of the Agricultural Statistics, WB, Expert on Information Management

2002: Project for Exploration of the Farm Level Prices in Armenia, USDA, Expert on Information

2006: Information and communication support to Armenian-Romanian cooperative project for Organic Farming - "Days of organic agriculture in Armenia and Romania", implemented by Green Lane NGO (Armenia) and Bioterra Association (Romania), funded by Open Society Institute


Participation in Professional Organizations

Member of the International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists (IIALDI), Agropress NGO and "Green Lane" Agricultural Assistance NGO



Languages: Armenian (native), Russian (native), English (fluent)