

  • 11.05.2010:  

  • 10.05.2010:  

    The FAO-CSOs Regional Consultation for Europe and Central Asia is taking place in Yerevan (Armenia) on 10 and 11 May 2010.

    The Consultation enables the NGOs, CSOs and Social movements to prepare the statements for the 27th Regional Conference (biennial) for Europe and Central Asia, that will follow on 13 and 14 May 2010, also in Yerevan. On 12 May, the FAO European Commission on Agriculture will also meet in the same place.

    In 2010, the Regional Conferences will have an increased importance, due to the renewed world context after the food and other crisis that the world faced from the year 2008 on. In addition the increased importance of the regional Conferences is also due to the ongoing FAO reform.

    More information>>


  • 1.02.2010:  

    Yerevan, 21 January 2010 – Within the framework of recently launched project “Support for Abattoir Development in Armenia”, the Ministry of Agriculture will invite eligible private investors to submit their proposals for construction/renovation, operation and management of abattoirs. The first meeting of the Project Implementation Team was held today. The team succeeded in reviewed and recommended criteria for selection of project beneficiaries and assessing investment proposals.

    The Project is one of the areas of co‑operation between the Armenian and Greek governments in agricultural development and is implemented by FAO. The project goal is to provide safe meat and meat products in Armenia. The focus of the project is small and medium enterprises with the skills and equipment needed to produce, store and market this meat and meat products.

    The project activities were launched in 2009 and are fully financed by the Greek Government with a budget of US$ 1.6 million. The project will be implemented in close collaboration of the Ministry of Agriculture of Armenia over the period of three years.

    In order to ensure smooth and effective implementation of the project a Project Implementation Team (PIT) has been established involving the major stakeholder representatives. The team will provide general supervision of the project, review and monitor its progress, review criteria for selection of beneficiaries and recommend improvements in project implementation.

    The project will support direct beneficiaries through the provision of technical assistance and equipment. It is expected that the private sector will ensure provision of infrastructure and utilities, and safe disposal of waste. Small to medium size investments are highly encouraged, thus promoting sustainable village/community based meat sector enterprise development.

  • 7.12.2009:  

    The purpose of this Conference organized by the Ministry of Agriculture of Russian Federation, UN FAO, Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy and the Central Scientific Agricultural Library (CSAL) of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences is to provide an international forum for the presentation of the work of Russian-speaking experts and their partners in agricultural education, science and practice, and to discuss developments in agricultural information and knowledge exchange. The Conference offered a platform for discussion, analysis and review of current status and future actions in these fields more>>

  • 7.12.2009:  

    High-level representatives from Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Turkey will examine regional policy responses to the economic crisis at a UN Ministerial Conference jointly organized by four U.N. agencies (the  ILO, UNICEF, FAO and UNDP ) and hosted by  the Government of Kazakhstan  in Almaty (Kazakhstan) on 7-8 December.

    Media Advisory
    Press Release

    7-8 декабря в г.Алматы, Казахстан,  на Конференции ООН на уровне министров представители стран Восточной Европы, Средней Азии и Турции обсудят антикризисную политику в регионе. Конференция организована четырьмя учреждениями ООН  - МОТ, ЮНИСЕФ, ФАО и ПРООН  -  при поддержке Правительства Казахстана.

    Информация для СМИ

    Դեկտեմբերի 7-8-ը Ալմաթի քաղաքում (Ղազաղստան) նախարարների մակարդակով անցկացվելիք ՄԱԿ-ի կոնֆերանսում Արևելյան Եվրոպայի, Միջին Ասիայի և Թուրքիայի ներկայացուցիչները կքննարկեն տարածաշրջանում հակաճգնաժամային քաղաքականությունը: Կոնֆերանսը կազմակերպված է ՄԱԿ-ի չորս կազմակերպությունների կողմից` ILO, UNICEF, FAO, UNDP` Ղազաղստանի կառավարության օժանդակությամբ:

    Տեղեկատվություն` ԶԼՄ-ների համար  

  • 16.11.2009:  

    Dear Friends,  
    Over one billion people live in chronic hunger...
    Every six seconds, a child dies of hunger...    
    By signing a New On-line Petition to Eradicate World Hunger at, you can actively lend your voice to a growing global movement,  and send a powerful message to world leaders: that it is unacceptable that one billion people live in chronic hunger, and changing this reality should be our top priority.
    >> read Address by UN FAO Director-General Dr. Jacques Diouf
    >>обращение Генерального Директора ФАО Др. Жака Диуфа   

  • 3.11.2009:  

    Armenian experts together with international partners start to work on the development of a new thematic knowledge network: Apricot Network

  • 3.11.2009:  

    Study tour to Hungary was made by three Armenian specialists within the framework of the Project for Establishment of a Virtual Extension and Research Information and Communication Network (FAO TCP/ARM/3103), October 23 - November 3 2009

  • 19.10.2009:  

    Within the framework of the Project for Establishment of a Virtual Extension and Research Information and Communication Network (FAO TCP/ARM/3103), a training course on Information Literacy and Scientific Information Retrieval was offered to researchers and extensionists working with national and local scientific and consultancy institutions in Armenia.
    The core 3 day course delivered by Dr. Tomaz Bartol, FAO International Consultant (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia) was attended by 25 participants representing the Ministry of Agriculture of Armenia, Agricultural Support Centers operating at both national and local leves, various public sector institutions and NGOs involved in agricultural research, extension, and information service provision.
    The main three day training was followed by four presentations for smaller groups of participants at the Agricultural Support Republican Center (Yerevan), Agribusiness Teaching Center (Yerevan), Research Centre for Vegetable, Melon and Industrial Crops (Darakert, Ararat region), and Ararat Marz (Regional) Support Centre (Ararat).
    >> Training Program
    >> List of Participants
    >> Photo gallery

  • 6.08.2009:  

    FAO launches Abattoir Development Project in Armenia...
    Press Release >> in Engish (PDF) >> in Armenian (PDF)

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