FAO and Kyrgyz Republic
FAO Representative
Mr. Mustapha SINACEUR
Locted in the
Subregional Office for Central Asia
Information and Knowlegge Management Officer, FAO REU, Budapest
Mr. Michal Demes
E-mail: michal.demes@fao.org
Address Work: FAO REU, Benczur ucta 34, 1068, Budapest, Hungary
Phone: (36-1) 461 20 26
Fax: (36-1) 351 70 29
E-mail: michal.demes@fao.org
Assistant FAO Representative (Programme)
Dinara Rakhmanova
Tabaldieva 10,
Bishkek, the Kyrgyz Republic
tel. office (+996 312) 210722
tel. mob. (+996 558) 060999