Personal Data

First Name         Mária

Last Name         DEBRECÉNIOVÁ

Birth Date          16.8.1959

Nationality         Slovak

Phone                ++421-37-79 10 291

E-mail                debreceniova(at)agroinstitut.sk


Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, postgraduate studies, PhD. Thesis, Department of Plant Physiology

Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources

Professional experience

2008 – present
Agroinštitút Nitra, state enterprise, Centre for Information Services and Technology, Director

1996 – 2008
Institute of Scientific and Technical Information for Agriculture, Nitra, National AGRIS/CARIS Resource Centre and Depository Library, Head

Internet and New Information Technologies in Library, accredited distance course ProLIB TEMPUS IB JEP 13427-98

Webmaster Training Course, FAO/IAALD/NitraNet

1989 - 1996
Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Forest Ecology, Nitra, Scientific Worker

1986 - 1989
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Department of Plant Physiology, postgraduate studies, PhD. thesis

1983 - 1986
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Department of Plant Physiology, Lecturer

Current project activities

AGROVOC – The international multilingual agricultural thesaurus maintained by FAO – Slovak version     

Prognosis and Vision of Slovak Agriculture, Food Industry, Forestry and Rural Development, Study   

Other skills

MS Office, Micro CD ISIS, WISIS, WinSpirs, WebAGRIS

Slovak (native), English (fluent), Russian (fluent)