Archive - IN THE Uzbekistan

  • 23.01.2014:  

    Fruit-Inform reported quoting statistic data of Kazakhstan, despite fall of supplies, Uzbekistan dominated in the market with the share of 76% from imported grapes to Kazakhstan.

    In 2012/2013 season, share of Uzbekistan in total imports of grape of Kazakhstan made up 90%.


  • 7.01.2014:  

    Both projects will be implemented in the territory of the special industrial zone Jizzakh. The Russian company will direct US$9.2 million to these projects.

    In particular, Azimut Process will participate in organization of production of fast preparation products with total cost of US$5.7 million.

    The Russian company will invest US$5.7 million to the project. The capacity of the enterprise makes up 700 tonnes of goods a year.

    Azimut Process will also implement in implementation of the project on processing of agriculture products (dry fruits) with the cost of US$6.1 million. The Russian firm will contribute US$3.5 million to the project. The designed capacity of the plant is 700 tonnes a year.

    President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov signed a decree for creation of new special industrial zone Jizzakh on 18 March 2013. The branch of the zone will be in Syrdarya region.

    The zone was created in line with a memorandum of understanding on implementation of project on creation of Uzbek-Chinese industrial park in Uzbekistan. It was created to form favourable conditions for attracting foreign and local investments to creation of high technologic industrial capacities, production of competitive products with high added price, complex and effective use production and resource potential of Jizzakh and Syrdarya regions.

    The special zone was created for 30 years with possibility of extension. The decree set tax and customs preferences for enterprises, operating in the zone. The enterprises, located in the zone, will be exempted from payment of income tax, property tax, tax for accomplishment and social infrastructure, single tax, and mandatory payments to Road Fund.

    They will be also exempted from payment of customs duties for imported materials, equipment and spare parts, which are not produced in Uzbekistan.


  • 21.12.2013:  

    According to Pravda Vostoka newspaper, their total capacity reached 18,800 tonnes, which grew by 6,100 tonnes compared to the beginning of the year.

    The most important object was launch of new complex at Kashkadaryotijoratsavdo of Uzulgurjisavdoinvest.

    The complex is equipped with cold and storage equipment, loading equipment. The capacity of the cold store is 3,000 tonnes.

    The regional also works on modernization of cold store. Within the 2011-2015, it is planned to modernize capacities of 700 tonnes.

    Currently, all stores are almost filled with vegetables and fruits for 100%, which will be delivered to consumers in winter-spring period.


  • 21.12.2013:  

    On 6 December 2013, a presentation and tasting of the line of natural fine wines given the names of historical cities of Uzbekistan, produced by Hamkor LLC, was held in Tokyo, Japan.

    At the presentation organized by GALABA LLC, the official distributor, presented three types of red dry wines, aged since 2011 in oak casks. The company presented wines “Samarkand Sayqali” made from “Pino Noire”, “Khiva” from “Cabernet Sauvignon” and “Qadimiy Bukhoro” from Aleatico grape varieties.

    According to the results of the presentation, as well as of the wine tasting, the participants showed interest to the Uzbekistan wines, the history of their origin, features of the local region and series of other matters and positive responses were received.

    At present, the products are sold through an internet-shop at the special site of distributor GALABA LLC – (



  • 2.12.2013:  

    According to the order of the major of Tashkent region and the rector of the TSAU on 27th of August 3 working groups have been formed in the  purpose of supporting scientific and practical help in growing seed plants. These groups include  15 professor-teachers. They are supporting scientific and practical help in growing crops and making monitoring basically in Tashkent region.

  • 29.11.2013:  

      Total greenhouse area is 0.5 hectares, of which 0.45 hectares of greenhouses and servicing facilities occupy 0.05 hectares.
    Advantages of hydroponics:
    - do not use soil and humus;
    - time and in the required amount is fully supplied , mineral-rich water in the process of plant growth phases ;
    - improving the quality of mineral fertilizers;
    - saving water comes up to 60-70% ;
    - using hydroponics heat savings of 25-30 %.
    Basic elements of greenhouses consist of :
    - Metal structure in a semicircle ;
      surface, the sides , the ground is completely covered with a special part of polyethylene ;
    - Special aluminum curtains that protect plants from the effects of sunlight , special side , top, bottom curtains are heated ;
    - chains to the right , left, back to the sides ;
    device supports humidity in the greenhouse using normal fog ;
    ventilation systems ;
    sensors ( sensors measure temperature , humidity and heat) ;
    flasks containing water and fertilizers ;
    system agitating water and fertilizers , tapes and training for growing sprouts unit for further growth of plants and coconut ;
    - drip irrigation system ;
    - Heating system consisting of facilities operated using gas, oil ;
    - automated control system elements greenhouses ;
    reduced - ripening of vegetable crops to 20-30 days, and during fruiting extended to 50-60 days ;
    found that in hydroponics as compared with conventional greenhouses , productivity increases 2-2.5 times ;
    - water and dissolved fertilizer through irrigation drip system comes directly to the root system ;
    - fight diseases and pests coming through the soil ;
    - does not require fertilization with organic fertilizers , processing, open rows in the soil for irrigation, weed control ;
    - no negative impact on the environment, in comparison with good manufacturing practice (where mineral fertilizers, drugs used against pests , as well as their remains are collected in the soil , which leads to negative consequences ) .

  • 8.11.2013:  

  • 2.11.2013:  

    The exposition is organized on a sectoral basis and includes major sections: “Agricultural machinery”, “Livestock and Poultry”,”Crop production and horticulture”.


    The exhibition “UzAgroExpo” primarily aimed at the entrance to the exhibition industry professionals, focusing on the regional farmers, entrepreneurs, owners, people for whom work in the field – is a daily labor. Visiting the exhibition, experts will be able to evaluate the work of combines, tractors and other equipment in action, to ask questions and discuss the interested topics.


    The exhibition UzAgroExpo – this is a sign event for the market for agricultural production and machine building, stock raising and poultry raising, veterinary services, production of fertilizers, fodders and contribution, the means of protection of the plants and other technologies.


    The exhibition “UzAgroExpo” traditionally became the place of meetings of the specialists of branch; in the work of exhibition take active part domestic producers, the specialists from the countries of the CIS and foreign countries.


    Basic task of exhibition – to create for the specialists platform for the effective business communication with the producers of food, equipment for the processing, to present within the framework exhibitions entire technological process of the production of food products, from processing of raw material to obtaining of the final packed product.


    Visitors, guests, and participants yearly have the capability to obtain reliable information relative to contemporary state and prospects for further development of the agrarian sector of economy not only in Uzbekistan, but also in the world.


  • 25.10.2013:  

    Uzbek leader congratulated the farmers with their achievement and contribution to improving well-being of people and sustainable economic growth of the country.

    Islam Karimov noted that this was achieved despite bad weather conditions in spring. He said that the temperature in spring was low and there were heavy rains, which resulted in late planting of the cotton. He added that the weather was hot in summer by 8-10 degrees.

    Taking into account all these problems, it is valuable achievement for farmers, Uzbek leader said.

    Uzbek President said that the country implements a five-year land-reclamation programme. He said that 1.46 million hectares of irrigated lands were improved in the country in last five years and about 1 trillion soums were spent to implementation of the programme. He said it helped to increase crop volume, in particular, cotton – from 25 centners to 26.4 centners.

    President Islam Karimov said that over 90% of harvested cotton was high grade cotton this year.

    Uzbek leader added that Uzbekistan processed only 7% of harvested cotton in 1990s and now the figure reached about 40%. He said this helps to provide jobs to youth and increase their income.

    According to preliminary calculations, this year gross income from cotton planting made up over 3.1 trillion soums, which rose by 23% compared to previous year, Islam Karimov said.


  • 19.10.2013:  

    According to the experts, four or five such centers will be enough to meet growing interest of farmers.

    It is expected that such stool bed will be created in Andijan region and cover all Ferghana Valley – Andijan, Namangan and Ferghana regions. The center will be located at Rustamjon gulshani farm.

    Rustamjon gulshani has 155 hectares of land, which is used as pasture. The land can be used for production of pistachio and land has several pistachio trees.

    Pistachio is highly rated in the world markets and its price is higher than nut or almonds.


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