Archive - IN THE Uzbekistan

  • 22.09.2012:  

    The GCARD II will focus on the ways to implement the tasks identified in the GCARD Road Map with special attention to “Foresight and partnership for innovation and impact on small-holder livelihoods”. With this, the Conference will become an excellent platform to build cooperation around key forward-looking agendas and plan joint actions among all stakeholders. This should in turn, open international partnership opportunities and help the development of concrete research and development programs that can lead through to substantive impacts. Actively participating in this process, a regional forum СAСAARI adopted its Regional strategy for transformation of agricultural research systems and strengthen research and innovation for development in Central Asia and the Caucasus.

  • 22.09.2012:  

    The training seminar acquainted the representative of the supportive bunches with:
    -the spectrum of the current and perspective tasks of the agricultural management information at the range of the Regional Agroinformative System;
    -the possibilities of the participation CIARD RING as the way of tasks realization;
    -the basic agricultural informative resources (charge and free of charge)  and tools, including regional ones;
    -the practical work connected with the most important informative data base of AGRIS, ASEA and others;
    -practical experience of each participating delegation.
    In the issue of the seminar the treatment of the participants about the necessity of the common  comprehension of the developing of agricultural information  management within the Central Asian and Caucasian Region was adopted. The problems and the prospects were discussed. The coordinated strategy concerning the regional Agroinformative System development regarding the challenge and initiative of CIARD was worked out. Moreover, the proposal on the further development of the agroinformative system and supportive bunches of the Central Asian and Caucasian Region were iniated. The iniated proposals include the conception of development of the agroinformative system and supportive bunches.
    The conception of development of the agroinformative system and supportive bunches of Uzbekistan includes the state of informative and consulting support of the agroinformative and consulting support of the agroindustrial complex, basic developing trends of Informative and Consulting Service , it’s structure , aims and tasks at the various stages, basic work principles of the Informative and Consulting service of agroindustrial complex, the mechanisms of the conception realization, economical and legislative support of Informative and legislative support of Informative and Consulting Service activity, results expected of the conception realization.
    In the range of the conception of agroinformative service development the establishment of the Informative and Consulting Center is provided. The Informative and Consulting Center aims promoting farm development with the wide range of informative technologies, which are of great importance for the sciential proved farming management. The Informative and consulting Centers assist to promote the competency level of managers and specialists on new agrarian technologies, production management, legislative , economical and ecological terms.
    Working out and realization of the conception of development of agroinformative system and supportive bunches are based on the necessity of the system established on the basic of integration of the scientific, educational and marketing structures supported by the managing bodies of the agroindustrial complex/At the same time they provide rapid realization of the scientific and technical progress achievements, consecutive increasing, producing and marketing of agricultural products, stable development of rural territories and improvement of living conditions of the rural population.
    Iroda Rustamova, PH.D
    The Representative of the agroinformative system supportive bunch of Uzbekistan.

  • 1.06.2012:  

    On May 24, 2012 a research-meets-practice seminar on “Professional Education as Basis for   Modernization of the Agricultural Sector” was held at the Agricultural College in Dumalok kishlak located in Bostanlik area Tashkent region. The seminar has been attended by members of the Legislative House of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, agricultural researchers, women farmers, representatives of international organizations, general public and journalists.

    The college collaborates with the Tashkent State Agrarian University, the University of Irrigation and Melioration, and the Tashkent State Pedagogical University. It has advanced research and technical capacity for education of highly-qualified agricultural professionals on farm mechanization, farm management, accounting and audit, agriculture motorization and automation, finance, environment control and ecology, as well as legal basis of the agricultural activities. 712 students graduate from the college every year.

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