List of Publications

List of Sciences works of

Dr. Erkinjon B. Shakarboev


1.                     Azimov D.A., Zaripov B.Z., Golgvanov V.I., Kozhabaev M.K., Shakarbaev E.B. Problems of ecology of trematodes of vertebrares in Uzbekistan // VIII Inter. Congress of Parasitology Ismir (Turkey) 1994. -p.225.

2.                     Azimov D.A., Shakarbaev E.B., Zaripov B.Z., Golovanov V.I. Populational strukture of trematode Orientobilharzia turkestanica (Skrjabin, 1913) // VIII Inter. Congress of Parasitology Ismir (Tyrkey) 1994. -p.328.

3.                     Azimov D.A., Shakarboev E.B. Populational composition of trematodes the genus Orientobilharzia Dutt and Srivastava, 1955 // IX th International Congress of Parasitology (ICOPA IX), 24-28 August 1998 Japan Convention Center (Makuhari Messe) CHIBA, JAPAN.-156 p.

4.                      Shakarboev E.B., Oimatov M., Golovanov V.I. The content of a fatty acid fractions of common phospholipids and the lever of mollusks Lymaea auricularia // IX th International Congress of Parasitology (ICOPA IX), 24-28 August 1998 Japan Convention Center (Makuhari Messe) CHIBA, JAPAN. - 343 p.

5.                      Azimov D.A., Mirabdullaev I.M., Golovanov V.I., Kuzmetov A.R., Shakarboev E.B., Turemuratova G.T. Aquatic invertebrates as intermediate hosts of parasites // Ecological research and monitoring of the Aral Sea deltas, UNESCO, France, Paris, 1998 .- P. 263-271.

6.                     Azimov D.А. Kuchbaev A.E. Kucharova I.Sh., Shakarboev E.B., Golovanov V.I. Biodiversity of nematodes of reptiles in desert ecosystem// IV International Nematology symposium, Moscow, Russia, 11th – 14th  June 2001.-p.156-157 (In English-Russian).

7.                      Azimov D.A., Shakarbaev E.B. Tematodes of the family Bilharziellidae in the fauna of Uzbekistan // Workshop on Bird Schistоsomes and cercarial Dermatitis. 10th – 14th September, 2001, Dolni Vestonice, Czech Republic. -p.4.

8.                      Shakarbaev E.B., Azimov D.A. Life cycle of trematodes D.loossi // Workshop on Bird Schistosomes and cercarial Dermatitis.10th – 14th September, 2001, Dolni Vestonice, Czech Republic. -p.20.

9.                      Shakarbaev E., Haberl B., Loy Ch., Haas W. Recognition of cattle skin by cercariae of Orientobilharzia turkestanica // Parasitol. Res., 2001, v.87. -p.705-707.

10. Azimov D.A., Shakarboev E.B. Current state of the taxonomy of trematodes of the order Schistosomatida (Skrjabin et Schulz, 1937) Azimov, 1970 // 2nd Workshop on Bird Schistosomes, Annacy (France), 16,17 and 18 June 2003. -p.3.

11. Shakarboev E.B., Azimov D.A., Isakova D.T. Fauna of trematodes the family Bilharziellidae in Central Asia and causes of cercariasis – induced dermatitis // 2nd Workshop on Bird Schistosomes, Annacy (France), 16,17 and 18 June 2003. -p.26.

12. Shakarboev E., Golovanov V., Isakova D., Azimov D. Trematodes of agricultural animals in the fauna of Uzbekistan // 11th International Congress of Parasitology. 6 to 11 August 2006. SECC – Glasgow,Scotland, UK. P.125

13.Akramova F., Shakarboev E., Azimov D. Trematodes of the genus Trichobilharzia, parasites of waterfowl. // 11th International Congress of Parasitology. 6 to 11 August 2006. SECC – Glasgow, Scotland, UK. P.16

14. Azimov D., Akramova F., Shakarboev E. Faunistic analysis of trematode larvae of order Schistosomatida in Central Asia // 11th International Congress of Parasitology. 6 to 11 August 2006. SECC – Glasgow, Scotland, UK. P.21

15. Shakarboev E.B., Azimov D.A. Species composition of freshwater mollusks in lakes of the Aral sea region and levels of their infestation by trematodes // 27th Pakistan Congress of Zoology (International Congress). Multan-Pakistan. 2007. –P.99.

16.Shakarboev E.B., Akramova F.D., Golovanov V.I., Shakarboev U.A., Azimov D.A. The epidemiological importance of the trematode Orientobilharzia turkestanica (Skrjabin, 1913) // 28th Pakistan Congress of Zoology (International Congress). GC University, Faisakabad. -Pakistan. 2008. p.81-82.

 17.Akramova F.D., Azimov D.A., Shakarboev E.B. The morphology and biology of the trematode Gigantobilharzia acotylea (Digenea, Schistosomatidae) // Vestnik zoologii. –Kiev, 2010. -44(5). –P.403-412.

18. Akramova F.D., Azimov D.A., Shakarboev E.B. Morphology, biology and taxonomy of Dendritobilharzia loossi Skrjabin, 1924 (Trematoda: Bilharziellidae), a parasite of Pelecanus onocrotalus (Pelecanidae) and Anas plathyrinchos (Anatidae) // Parasite, 2011, 18. –P.39-48.