Network activities

a. Joint programmes with other organisation.

a. 1 with the International Buffalo Federation

The Coordination centre of the Buffalo Network (Animal Production Research Institute, Rome) has actively participated in the organisation of the  World Buffalo Congresses every 3 years  together with the International Buffalo Federation, through: (i) revising the papers to be presented at the Congresses; (ii) editing the Proceedings of Caserta Congresses (1997, 2007); (iii) convening IBF meetings during the Congresses on the status of the buffalo research and the future priorities in Europe and the Near East.

a.2 with the animal nutrition scientists of Italian Universities.

The Coordination centre of the Buffalo Network (Animal Production Research Institute, Rome) has involved the Italian scientists in animal feeding and nutrition and convened a meeting in Turkey (Antakya, 8-10 October, 1998) with buffalo farmers of several countries to discuss feeding strategies in intensive and extensive production systems.

a.3 with INTERBULL (International Committee for Standardisation of genetic evaluation of bulls).

a.4 with the International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR) to promote buffalo recording in developing countries through the draft of simplified standardised guidelines.

a.5 with the editors of the Buffalo Newsletter, sent free of charge in 1600 copies in all the countries in the world, one or two times per year

b. Results from 1997 to 2000

  1. Major achievement of the round table on the status/future of buffalo research (1997) was to have convened not only participant of the traditional countries (Egypt, Bulgaria, Romania, Iraq, Syria, Greece, Italy, Turkey) but also Azerbaijan and Iran. The round table was therefore the first step in the cooperation with these two more isolated countries.
  2. Major achievement of the Workshop on buffalo feeding (1998) was to put together buffalo farmers that presented their practical problems in buffalo feeding and high level nutritionists. The discussion dealt with both intensive and extensive feeding systems. Results of the discussion are published in issue no. 11 (1999) of the Buffalo newsletter.
  3. Major achievement of the INTERBULL meetings (1997) was the decision to involve a few countries in a pilot multi-country project of bull evaluation, that will likely start in 2001 as soon as the difficulties met because of the regulation of semen export/import will be overtaken.
  4. Major achievement of the cooperation with the International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR) was the organisation of the Joint FAO-ICAR Workshop on Animal recording for improved buffalo management strategies (2000) to which 30 participants of 17 countries took part. The output of the Workshop are the Simplified guidelines for milk recording in buffalo in developing countries that are in agreement with the ICAR standards, and were drafted to promote animal recording at country level as well as exchange of information on buffalo productivity in the world.
  5. The coordination centre has conducted a survey on the extent of milk recording of buffalo and has published the results of this survey that include data on production and reproductive parameters of 15 countries.
  6. A research project aiming to evaluate the genetic diversity of three populations of buffalo was carried out within the network activities, thanks to the international links created by the network. Participating countries were Italy, Greece and Egypt. The Animal Genetics laboratory of the Animal Production Research Institute, Rome, has provided the facilities, the researchers and the consumables for the research, and the DNA samples of the Italian buffalo population. The Greek and Egyptian partners have provided the DNA samples of the buffalo populations of the respective countries.
  7. A visiting professor of Animal Breeding from North Iraq was host by the Coordination centre of the Buffalo network for three weeks during Summer 2000, and was offered the opportunity to visit Italian Universities and breeders cooperatives with the purpose to start a bilateral cooperative research/development project on livestock genetic improvement.
  8. The scientifically/technical journal of the Buffalo network (Buffalo newsletter) is regularly published twice every year and circulated in 1,600 copies.

Results from 2000 to 2005

The activity of the FAO Inter-Regional Cooperative Network on Buffalo was reported during the last ESCORENA Meeting (Grignon 23-25 November 2000), published on proceedings of the first National congress on Buffalo livestock (Eboli 3-5 October 2001).
In conclusions the buffalo network is the only in the world. It produced a link between different scientists and International Organizations: ICAR (International Committee for Animal Recording), INTERBULL (International Committee for Standardization of genetic evaluation of bulls), IBF (International Buffalo Federation).
It published twice every year 1600 copies, circulated for free in all the world, of Buffalo Newsletter, the scientific technical journal of the Buffalo Network (until now 24 numbers). It organised meetings and workshops to promote information and research.
Now with partial support of FAO ESCORENA, prof. Borghese organized a joint training course project on buffalo synchronization, artificial insemination with proved Italian semen, and progeny testing in April 2002 in Turkey with cooperation of Prof. Sekerden of Mustafà Kemal University in Antakia.
We are waiting for an increasing of productivity in Ilikpinar village, where the production is very poor and we hope that simple techniques applied and the organisation of breeding could improve welfare in that development country.
So Azerbaijian too now is interesting to be included in the same programme involving FAO network, the coordinator and his Institute, and Minister of Agriculture of Azerbaijian Republic, Irshad Aliyev wrote to FAO with this purpose. We think the extension of this project could be realize the best profit for people and buffalo species in development countries utilizing small economic resources.
Recently cooperation programmes were requested by Indonesia, China, India and Iran. Prof. Borghese was invited by the Authorities of those countries to realize specific programmes to develop buffalo rearing. Some projects with Indonesia and China are coming for a final definition.
The Buffalo Centre of the Animal Production Research Institute (Istituto Sperimentale per la Zootecnia) is also the General Secretariat of the International Buffalo Federation (I.B.F.), that organizes every 3 years the World Buffalo Congress. The last one was the 7th and was organized in Manila (Philippines), while the next one will be held in Italy. Therefore there is a strong link between activities of I.B.F. (congresses, publication of proceedings, exchange of information) and of the FAO Buffalo Network, because these are coordinated by the same person, prof. Borghese and by his collaborators. The Buffalo newsletter too reported notices about I.B.F. activities.
Regarding specific letter of agreement between FAO and this Institute for the years 2003-2004, the following activities were effected.

  1. Many countries were involved in ICAR activities, particularly Turkey, Iran, Azerbaijian, and many personal contacts were carried out by the Coordinator.
  2. The FAO Inter-Regional Cooperative Research Network on Buffalo organized a Satellite Symposium on August 30, 2003 during the 54th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production (E.A.A.P.) in Rome (Italy), on the theme “Recent Progress in Buffalo Reproduction” with the presence of Prof Michel Larbier, representing the FAO Regional Office for Europe. 18 lectures were presented and discussed and they are published on the Proceedings of the 2nd National Congress of Buffalo Livestock, that was held by the same organization in Monterotondo on August 28-30 .
  3. In 2003 two numbers of Buffalo Newsletter were published: number 18 in February , number 19 in June . In September 2004 the number 20 of Buffalo Newsletter was published . Each number was produced in 1200 copies, sent for free to all the countries in the world interested to buffalo development. The buffalo newsletter represents at moment the only system of global information in the world on buffalo. It is requested by many countries and it is the good image of FAO in buffalo field. Therefore it is necessary to continue the activity of Buffalo Newslettrer. The FAO/RNE in Dokki (Egypt) published a volume of the Buffalo Newsletter from 1993 to 2003 (19 issues) that is another evidence of the interesting on the newsletter .
  4. The book “Progress in Buffalo Production , provided in the agreement, was published in October 2005 with the title “Buffalo Production and Research” as REU Technical Series 67 .It is a book of 315 pages, subdivided in 14 Chapters with all the themes regarding buffalo species, from the breeds and the strategies of different countries to the reproduction, nutrition, physiology and pathology problems and news, until the products and the marketing requirements in the world. This book represents the more actual state of the international research in buffalo species.

Results from 2006

In 2006 more than 500 copies of the book "Buffalo Production and Research" were distributed in all the countries of the world. The Asian Buffalo Congress was held in Nanning (China) with the Presidence of prof. Yiang Bing Zhuang, director of the Buffalo Research Institute of Nanning .

In 2007 the World Buffalo Congress was held in Caserta (Italy) with the Presidence of prof. Luigi Zicarelli, Presidence too of the Veterinary Faculty of Federico the 2nd University in Naples and prof. Antonio Borghese as General Secretary of IBF and Coordinator of FAO Buffalo network. The president of Organizing Committee was the president of the Buffalo Breeders Association, avv. Raffaele Garofalo. 2 books of proceedings were published. Number 22 of Buffalo newsletter was published too in 1600 copies.

In 2008, April 10-12, the FAO-ESCORENA workshop was organized by Michal Demes of the European Regional Office in Pozna (Poland) in the Institute of Natural Fibres by Ryszard Kozlowski and Maria Talarczyk to establish the basis of Internet- based communication support for ESCORENA and for the thematic knowledge Networks in Agriculture. The FAO-IBF-ICAR Buffalo Reproduction Satellite Meeting was organized too in July 12-13 in Budapest (Hungary) in the FAO Headquarters in Benczur road, sponsored by FAO-ESCORENA, by IBF, by Animal Production Research Institute, by ISPAAM CNR, by COFA and ICAR. The results are reported in the Buffalo Newsletter n.24 of January 2009. In 2008 the n.23 of Buffalo newsletter was published in 1600 copies.

In 2009 the Asian Buffalo Congress was held in Lahore (Pakistan) in October with the Presidence of prof. Talat Pasha and prof. Borghese as General Secretary of IBF, who promoted an IBF meeting. An International Buffalo Conference will be held in Dheli in February 2010 by prof. Sethi as promoting the next 9th World Buffalo Congress that will be held in Buenos Aires (Argentina) in 2010, April 25-28. The n.24 of Buffalo Newsletter was published in 1600 copies.









Section I. Name, Address and Nature

1. The International Buffalo Federation (IBF) was founded upon the unanimous recommendation of the General Assembly at the First World Buffalo Congress in Cairo, Egypt in 1985.

2. The Federation is an independent, non-political, non-religious and non-profit international organization.

3. The permanent headquarters of the International Buffalo Federation is Rome.

4. The seat of the Federation is the country which will be hosting the World Buffalo Congress.

Section II. Objectives and Activities

1. The Federation objectives is to promote the advancement of research and development of Buffaloes throughout the world.

2. It organizes world congresses and roundtables; promotes the exchange and dissemination of scientific and technological knowledge; facilitates the spread of information on buffalo production and development; promotes internationally planned research; enhances the contact among scientist and extension personnel concerned with buffalo production; assist in strengthening the linkage between national, regional and international; research; establishes and maintains relations with other organizations whose interests are related to the objectives of the Federations.

Section III. The Official Language

1. The official language at the World Congresses of the Federation is English.
2. The working language of the Secretariat is English.

Section IV. World Buffalo Congress

1. The World Congress shall be held every three years. Regional and National Congresses will not be held in conflict with the World Congress.

Section V. Organization and Institution and Election of Officers

1. The International Buffalo Federation is organized on a regional basis. For the purposes of the Federation, each continent shall be a region.

2. The Institutions of the International Buffalo Federation are the General Assembly, the Secretariat and The Executive Council.

3. The Executive Council of the International Buffalo Federation is composed of the elected Chairmen of the Regional Associations, a Secretary appointed by the President, and the President elected in the General Assembly by the representatives of the National Associations.

4. The Executive Council will be vested of its powers after having been elected (at the end of the World Congress) and its tenure will be for three (3) years.

5. The Executive Council will meet as often as necessary. An absolute majority is the required quorum for the meetings. Resolutions will be approved by a two-thirds vote. The Presidents does not vote except when the vote is tie. His presence however counts for the quorum.

6. Members of the Regional Association will elect their own Executive Councils. The Chairman of the Regional association is by right a member of the International Executive Council.

7. The President of the International Buffalo federation is elected at the World Congress.

8. Each National Association affiliated with IBF nominate a representative to the World Congress for the purpose of electing the President.

9. National Associations enjoy equal voting rights, being allowed one vote each.

10.  Nominations for the candidacy to the Presidency of IBF is submitted to the Executive council six months prior to the World Congress. The Executive Council is responsible of circulating information on the up-coming election and about nominees to all IBF members.

11. The committee organizing the World Congress allocates sufficient time in the official program to hold the election of the President. The election shall be public. Only the official representatives of the National Association duly appointed by them, are considered electors of the President.

12.  The election is to be held by secret ballot. The candidates who obtain the absolute majority, is proclaimed President by the out-going Executive Council of the International Buffalo Federation.

12.1 If no winner can be proclaimed on the first turn a run-off election is held between the two highest vote getters.

12.2 The President serves for a maximum of two terms.

Section VI. Duties of the President 

1. It is the duty of the President to represent the Federation at International meetings, and with International Organizations.

2. To convene the Executive Council as often as necessary or when at least two Regional Chairman ask for it to be convened.

3 To promote the initiatives which will further the knowledge in buffaloes and pursuit the objectives of the federation.

4. To convene the Assembly to discuss the federation’s administration, general program, policies and priorities.

Section VII. Membership

1. National, institutional and individual membership are recognized and encouraged by the International Buffalo Federation. However representation in the Executive Council is accorded to Regional officers who will be appointed according to the procedures set by in article 6, section IV.

2. Membership in the International Buffalo Federation is renewable by submitting the application form and dues. Deadlines and fees shall be established by the Executive Council. Non-payment of the fees, actually 100$/3year, implies forfeiture of membership status.


3. Membership in the International Buffalo Federation falls into three categories: Collective, Associate and individual members.
3.1 National or Regional associations are Collective members

3.2 Departments and Research Institutes are associate members.


Section VIII. General Assembly Meeting 

1. The General Assembly meets at the World Congresses every three (3) years.

Section IX. Amendments of the Constitution  

1. In order to amend the Bylaws of the International Buffalo Federation a written notice of the amendments must be circulated to all members in advance of the meeting at which they are to be considered.

2. If a meeting of the General Assembly can not at that time be called, the membership is allowed to express its vote through a written ballot.

3. The amendment is approved if the majority of the members voting are in favor of it.

Section X. Transitory and Final Provisions
I. This Constitution and By-Laws adopted by the General Assembly of the Federation, in Caserta on October 16, 1997, promulgated by the President of the International Buffalo Federation, will render the former constitution null and void.

II. Elections of the Executive of the Regional Associations shall be called within one year of the implementation of this Constitution and By-Laws.

III. The first IBF Executive Council, under this Constitution and By-Laws, will be composed of the Presidents of the member National Associations until all the regional associations and their executives will not have been set up. The rules pertaining to the quorum and voting regulations shall be the same as those prescribed in article 5 section V of the Constitution and By-Laws

Done in Caserta, Italy on October 16,    1997.


The International Buffalo Federation (IBF) was created at the first World Buffalo Congress, that took place on December 27-31, 1985, in Cairo, Egypt.
The initiators were the world famous scientists Prof. Dr.  M. R. Shalash, President of the Egyptian Veterinarian Buffalo Association and the American scientist Prof. W. Cripe from the University of Florida, Gainsville.
 The participants of the Congress also approved  the organizational structure of the International Buffalo Federation and elected its managing body- the IBF standing committee.
As Honorary President the world famous buffalo expert Dr. W. Ross Cockrill (England) was elected.
Prof. Dr. M. R. Shalash was elected president with three vice-presidents and 14 members of the standing Committee, including scientists and experts from Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, India, Italy, China, Pakistan, the USA, Singapore, Thailand, Trinidad and the Philippines.
The activity of IBF so far has been in accordance with the statute and rules, developed and approved by the Standing Committee.
The 2nd World Buffalo Congress took place on December 12-16, 1988, in Delhi, India, with President Dr. R. M. Acharya and Prof. V. D. Mudgal as Secretary General.
The 3th World Buffalo Congress took place on May 13-17, 1991, in Varna, Bulgaria, with President Prof. Dr. Tzeno Hinkovski and Prof. Dr. Aleko Alexiev as Secretary General: 10 Proceedings volumes were published plus a special proceeding of the FAO workshop on Biotechnology of Reproduction, that was the first link between FAO and I.B.F., that will produce the foundation of the FAO Inter-Regional Cooperative Research Network on Buffalo.
The 4th World Buffalo Congress took place on June 27-30, 1994, in Sao Paulo, Brazil, with President Prof. Manoel Osorio Luzardo de Almeida and Joao Ghasper de Almeida as Secretary General. 3 Proceedings volumes were published.
At this congress, the Italian scientist Prof. Giovanni de Franciscis was elected president of IBF. The president de Franciscis organized the 8th Standing Committee meeting of IBF in Rome on April 2, 1996, where the following agenda was carried out: 1, Prof. Shalash was commemorated; 2, The organization and the Scientific programme of the 5th World Buffalo Congress in Royal Palace in Caserta, Italy, was established; 3, an official letter to request the Breeders Associations to pay 100$ as contribution to organize the congress will be written; 4, The transfer of Secretariat to Istituto Sperimentale per la Zootecnia (Animal Production Research Institute) was effected; 5, Prof. Sayed Gharieb Hassan from Egypt and Hugh Popenoe from USA are nominated in the Standing Committee.
The 5° World Buffalo Congress took place on October 13-18, 1997, in Caserta, Italy; with president Prof. Giovanni de Franciscis and Prof. Antonio Borghese as scientific Secretary. For the first time each paper to communicate to the Congress was submitted to revision of two referees scientist of the specific field, 189 papers were published in the Proceedings, a book of 990 pages, that was distributed before the Congress and represented the state of art in buffalo sciences for many years.
At this congress, the famous Venezuelan buffalo breeder Mr. Pablo Moser Guera was elected the new president of IBF.
It was decided that the 6th World Buffalo Congress will take place in Venezuela in the year 2000 and the 7th WBC in the Philippines changing each time (3 years) Continent and the new president who will organize the Congress.
The 6th World Buffalo Congress took place in Maracaibo (Venezuela) on May 21-23,2001 and it produced the first electronic edition of the proceedings in CD. During the business meeting of IBF, prof.  Borghese gave a report of the previous congress, that netted a profit of 4,300 $, which had been transferred to the current congress, and suggested to establish a closer relation with FAO buffalo network. The Standing Committee agreed to establish the Secretariat in Rome in Istituto Sperimentale per la Zootecnia and Antonio Borghese was appointed as General Secretary to be assisted by two Executive Officers: Aleko Alexiev and Hugh Popenoe. The next meeting is to be conducted in the Philippines with Libertado Cruz as President assisted by two Vice-Presidents: s.K. Ranjhan and Jesus Reggeti. Libertado Cruz proposed that  Constitution changes could be presented to the General Assembly and voted to the next Congress and the sub-committee, consisted by Libertado Cruz, Joao Gaspar, Antonio Borghese, Hugh Popenoe, proceed with deliberations on the Constitution. In particular: 1, the Constitution needs to be tighter; 2, membership might consist of two members from each country; Country representatives cannot miss more than two congresses or they will be dropped; the official language of the congress will be English and that of the host country; profit from one congress should go to the Secretariat for the expenses and future congresses. The Standing Committee approved the deliberations of the sub-committee.
There were several changes of the IBF Standing Committee members made in the period of 1985-2001.
The managing body of the IBF has the following membership at the 6th WBC:
Honorary President: Dr. W. Ross Cockrill (England)
President: Mr Pablo Moser Guera (Venezuela)
Vice-President for Asia: Prof. Libertado C. Cruz ( the Philippines)
For Europe : Prof. Dr. Tzeno Hinkovski (Bulgaria)
For America: Dr. Joao Gaspar de Almeida (Brazil)

General Secretary: prof. Antonio Borghese
 Standing commettee members:
Eng. Marco Zava- Argentina
Dr. Manoel Osorio de Almeida- Brazil
Prof. Aleko Alexiev- Bulgaria
Prof. K. H. Lu- China
Prof. Wangzhen Quan- China
Dr. L. Garcia Lopas- Cuba
Dr. L. Ricardo Bolero Jaramillo- Colombia
Prof. S. G. Hassan- Egypt
Prof. Kamal Fouad- Egypt
Prof. P. N. Bhat- India
Prof. V. D. Mudgal- India
Prof. Giovanni de Franciscis- Italy
Mrs. Ingrid Caproni- Italy
Dr. Abdul Rahman Khan- Pakistan
Prof. Oswin Perera- Sri Lanka
Dr.C. Devendra- Singapore
Prof. Maneevan Kamonpatana- Thailand
Prof. Charan Chantalakhana- Thailand
Dr. Stephen P. Bennet- Trinidad
Prof. Hugh Popenoe- USA
Dr. Thomas J. Olson- USA
Mr. Jesus Reggeti- Venezuela
 In 1992 the Asian Buffalo Association (ABA) was established with president Dr. P..N. Bhat (india).

The last IBF Council meeting took place at the Congress Palace in Rome on August 30th,2003, organized by the General Secretary, Antonio Borghese. The President Libertado Cruz, M. Zava from Argentina, W. Vale and J.G. de Almeida from Brazil, L. Zicarelli and R. Garofalo from Italy, H. Popenoe from USA, M. Larbier from FAO, A. Barkawi from Egypt, O. Sekerden from Turkey, Ruzbehean from Iran attended the meeting. The president Libertado Cruz thanked the organizer, remembered the Scientist Aleko Alexiev who passed away , distributed the programme of the next congress in Manila, October 20-23, 2004. Gaspar de Almeida underlined the difficulties for Cuba to organize the next congress after Manila. Borghese focused the problem to receive money by breeders Associations of different countries to operate as Secretariat and to contribute to congress organisation and proposed to create a continuous link with FAO buffalo Network to change researchers, information, organizing congresses, publishing Buffalo Newsletter with FAO and IBF sponsor and logos, distributing 1200 copies gratis in all the countries of the World and finally promoting T.C.P. (Technical Cooperative Project) in developing countries. To operate the legal Registration of IBF in Rome and to create a web site of IBF with a contribution of 100$ for each country  and to ask the financial report of previous congress to Moser was decided. Zicarelli was elected executive officer and representative for Europe instead of Alexiev.
The President thank the participants and asked help for organizing the congress in Manila.

The  organization of IBF in 2003 is the following.

International Buffalo Federation
Libertado Cruz, President (Philippines)
Antonio Borghese, General Secretary (Italy)
Hugh Popenoe, Executive Officer (USA)
Luigi Zicarelli, Executive Officer (Italy)

Honorary Commettee
Pablo Moser G. (Venezuela)
Steve Bennet (USA)
Giovanni de Franciscis (Italy)

Vice Presidents
Jesus Reggeti, America (Venezuela)
S. Ranjhan, Asia (India)
Luigi Zicarelli, Europe(Italy)
Barry Lemcke, Australia
S.G.Hassan, Africa (Egypt)

Standing Committee

Joao Gaspar de Almeida
William Vale

Marco Zava
Armando Rozenblum

Ricardo Botero
Berdugo J. A. Gutierrez
Alfonso Bernal

Hector Scannone

Raffaele Garofalo

Leela Rastogi
Floyd Necles

Alina Mitat

Tom Olson

T. Hinkovski
T. Peeva

Siran Uddin Qureshi

C. Chantalakana
M. Kamonpatana

Sri Lanka
Oswin Perera

Julio Ly

Yang Bing Zhuang
Xu Dianxin

Patricio Faylon

R. Usmani

Robert Palmer

A.H. Barkawi

Henzi Heneton

Barry Lemcke

O. Sekerden


The Organization of IBF in 2007 is the following

President: Luigi Zicarelli (Italy)
General Secretary: Antonio Borghese (Italy)
Executive Officer: Libertado C. Cruz (Philippines)
Exexutive Officer: S. Ranjhan (India)
Executive Officer: Hugh Popenoe (USA)
America: Marco Zava (Argentina)
Asia: S. Ranjhan (India)
Africa: Ibrahim Soliman (Egypt)
Australia: Barry Lemcke
Europe: Tzonka Peeva (Bulgaria)

Standing Committee:
Argentina:  Armando Rozenblum,
John Nelson,
Australia:  Barry Lemcke,
Bangladesh: Omar Faruque,
Brazil:  Joao Ghaspar de Almeida,
William G. Vale,
Manoel Almeida,
Bulgaria:  Maria Alexieva,
China:  Yang Bingzhuang,
Xianwei Liang,
Colombia:  Alfionso Bernal,
  Claudia Patricia Roldan,
J.A. Berdugo,
Ricardo Botero,
Cuba:   Emilio Campos Pipaon,
Egypt:  A.H. Barkawi,
Germany:  Manfred Thiele,
India:   O.P. Dhanda (India),
Iran:   Moossa Eslami,
Yousef Rouzbehan,
R. Pirmohammadi,
Hamid Naderfard,
Italy:   Raffaele Garofalo,
  Antonio Fagiolo,
  Leopoldo Iannuzzi,
  Marco Mazzi,
Angelo Coletta,
Giuseppina M. Terzano,
Vittoria L. Barile,
Arturo Casali,
Pakistan:  Nasim Ahmad,
  Talat Naseer Pasha,
  Nasir Hussain Shah,
Philippines:  Arnel del Barrio,
Sri Lanka: Thakshala Seresinhe,
Oswin Perera,
H. Abeygunawardena,
Thailand: Maneewan Kamonpatana,
Metha Wanapat,
Trinidad: Leela Rastogi,
Floyd Necles,
Turkey: Ozel Sekerden,
UK:  J. Palmer,
USA:  Thomas Olson,
Venezuela: Jesus Reggeti,
Hector Scannone,
Vietnam: Mai Van Sanh,


The 7th World Buffalo Congress took place in Manila (Fhilippines) on October 20-23, 2004 organized by the International Buffalo Federation (IBF), the Philippines Society of Animal Science, the Philippines Carabao Center, and the Department of Agricolture.
The IBF, that is a Scientific Association born in 1985, founded with a legal act and approved Constitution and by-laws, is organized by the General Secretary ( Antonio Borghese) with a permanent office in the Animal Production Research Institute (Istituto Sperimentale per la Zootecnia, via Salaria 31, 00016 Monterotondo St., Roma) and by the President, elected in the General Assembly by the representatives of the National Associations every 3 years, changing the Continent every time. The elected President will organize the next World Buffalo Congress. So, during the 6th World Buffalo Congress in Maracaibo, Venezuela (May 21-23,2001) Libertado C. Cruz, Executive Director of the Philippines Carabao Center, was elected President of IBF and organized the 7th  World Buffalo Congress this year, involving all the scientific and political Authorities of Philippines and more than 700 people from all the countries of the World, that took part to the Congress, that resulted really a success.
A book of proceedings with 172 papers (864 pages) was produced (as book and as C.D.) plus another book with 31 invited mean speakers (251 pages)., that represent the state of art in the research in all the buffalo fields ( animal health, breeding and genetics, meat and milk production , nutrition, physiology,  reproduction, socio-economic).
During the IBF meeting  prof. Luigi Zicarelli of Federico II Naples University, was proposed by the General Secretary and was elected President of IBF, that means  he will organize the 8th World Buffalo Congress in Italy on 2007. Libertado C. Cruz handed the flag of the IBF to the Italian delegation for the next Congress with the wishes for the success and the development of the buffalo species in the World.


This year the World Buffalo Congress was held in Caserta ( Italy) for the second time in the history, with the publishing of the proceedings in 1450 pages on the Italian Journal of Animal Science.
There was the partecipation of 40 Nations and, during the Congress, the IBF meeting was held  at 17,00 of  21 October 2007, with the President  prof. Luigi Zicarelli.
There were the following representative members:
Argentina:Marco Zava, Armando Rozemblum, John Nelson
Australia: Barry Lemcke
Bangladesh: Samad Khan representing  Omar Faruque
Brazil: Joao Ghaspar de Almeida, William G. Vale
Bulgaria: Tzonka Peeva
Colombia: Alfonso Bernal, J.A. Berdugo, Ricardo Botero
India: S. Ranjhan
Iran: Moossa Eslami, R. Pirmohammadi, Hamid Naderfard
Italy: R. Garofalo, A. Fagiolo, L. Iannuzzi, A. Coletta, G.M. Terzano; V.L. Barile, M.Mazzi, A. Casali, F. Infascelli
Pakistan:Talat Naseer Pasha, Nasir Hussain Shah
Philippines: Libertado C. Cruz
Thailand: Metha Wanapat
Turkey: Ozel Sekerden
Trinidad: Lillawatti Rastogi, Floyd Necles
U.K.: Bob Palmer
USA.: Hugh Popenoe, Thomas Olson
Venezuela:Jesus Reggeti, Hector Scannone
Vietnam: Mai Van Sanh. 
The  General Secretary prof. Antonio Borghese gave the list, with the 58 members of IBF, representing 23 Countries.
The following candidates were proposed, voted and included in the list:
Federico Romero for Argentina, Santosh Thomas and Aditya Misra for India, Safdan Ali Sial for Pakistan, Rangsun Parnpai for  Thailand.
The General Secretary related on  activity of IBF  and on meetings linked to IBF: 14 October 2005 in Paestum (Italy),  20 April 2006 in Nanning (China),  6 September 2006 in Medellin (Colombia).
The Buffalo newsletter shows the logo of FAO and of IBF and is published in 1600 copies.
About the organization of the 9th World Buffalo Congress for  2010, Argentina presented his candidature by his representative Marco Zava, who showed documents coming from the following Istitutions: Asociacion Argentina de Criadores de Bufalos, Ministerio de la Producciòn de la Provincia de Formosa, Governador Provincia de Corrientes, Secreteria de Agricoltura, Ganaderia, Pesca y Alimentosin Buenos Aires, Ministerio de Economia y Producciòn in Buenos Aires, Universidad Nacional de Nordeste e Universidad Nacional de Formosa. Thailand too presented his candidature to host the 9th World Buffalo Congress, by his delegate Rangsun Parnpai, but, after a vivacious discussion, Rangsun Parnpai, renounced in  favour of Argentina, asking to host the next Congress in 2013.
 Marco Zava  proposed Federico Romero as President of IBF, who was elected.
Jesus Reggeti  proposed  Ricardo Botero as Vicepresident for America instead of Marco Zava and Ricardo was  elected.
The time of other International Congresses were established: October 2008 Congress Europe-America in Venezuela, 27-30 October 2009 in Lahore the Asian Buffalo Congress.



On 23rd October, 2008, in the city of Mérida, Venezuela, takes place the meeting of the International Buffalo Federation (IBF), presided  by the President of IBF, the Agronomist Federico Romero and by the General Secretary prof. Antonio Borghese; in this meeting are presents the following people: from Colombia: Alfonso Bernal, Claudia Roldán and Ricardo Botero Jaramillo; from Venezuela: Héctor Scannone and Jesús Reggeti; from Pakistan: Talat Nasser Pasha; from Trinidad and Tobago: Lillawatti Rastogi; from Italia: Angelo Coletta and Luigi Zicarelli; from Argentina: Federico Romero and Marco Zava; from Mexico: Ismael Coronel; from USA: Kent Underwood; from Canada: Frederick Bowman; from India: Santosh Thomas; from Costa Rica and Central America: Rodrigo Rosales; and from Brazil: William Vale, Pietro Baruselli, Otavio Bernardes and Elcio Reis; then the Agronomist Federico Romero announces the date and place of the next 9th World Buffalo Congress 2010, to be realised by the International Buffalo Federation in Argentina. For logistic reasons (communication, flights, hotel accommodation, congress venue, etc.) it was decided to realise the Congress in the city of Buenos Aires and then a Post-Congress Tour by Corrientes, Chaco and Formosa. The congress begins on Sunday 25th April and finishes on Wednesday 28th April, and the Tour would last approximated of 4 to 6 days. The Agronomist Romero also gave to the presents a tourist material of Argentina and a first document of the Congress, which contains a tentative program, provisional Congress schedule and the authorities, including the National Scientific Committee and the International Scientific Committee. The agronomist Romero comments that they will receive USD 100.000 in grants, half of this amount consists of the free cession of rooms, auditorium and space for stands in the Panamericano Hotel Crown Plaza of Buenos Aires and the other half consists of the contribution of almost 200 buffalos from breeders, to being sold in the next closings of the Argentine Association of Buffalo Breeders (AACB). It is solved to send that first document to the members of the Scientific Committee, and also to the members of the IBF presents in the meeting, to be able thus to receive suggestions. Dr. Talat Pasha asks how many people are expected to attend to the Congress and Romero answers that has been budgeted for six hundred (600) people, but that he has the expectations of they get to be one thousand (1000). Then Dr. Luigi Zicarelli analyzes that the first document presented and suggests that is necessary to put several posters sessions but that these must become after several plenary sessions and that in addition it is necessary to have several rooms to simultaneous sessions besides the audience to plenary. On this way all exhibitors can be ordered by subject. Dr. Zicarelli thinks that if it is not made thus, are going to come few participants, for example a plenary session of Reproduction during the morning, and in afternoon, brief communications of Reproduction also. Many of the presents suggested that the annals of the Congress be published in an indexed publication, Romero answered that already the edition from them was requested to the National Academy of Agronomy and to the Corrientes University (UNNE). Next, Dr. Santosh Thomas suggests giving importance to the productive subjects, which are of greater interest for the breeders. Then everyone agree grant the fifty percent (50%) of the time for scientific subjects and the fifty percent (50%) for productive subjects. Mrs Lillawatti Rastogi suggests organizing some sector to orient those who want to begin to raise buffalos. Dr. Santosh Thomas suggests each country has a person who makes a good diffusion of the Congress, and that this not only becomes in scientific magazines. Then Dr. Talat Pasha, president of the Asian Association, accepts to be in charge to designate to the right people in each Asian country, he thinks that an important diffusion of the Congress is essential to obtain a great participation of producers. Dr. Pasha invites the presents to attend to the 6th Asian Buffalo Congress, in October 2009, Lahore, Pakistan, in a 5 stars hotel, and then it will be realised the National Fair and a visit to the Buffalo Research Centre. Mr. Kent Underwood and Mr. Frederick Bowman announce the Annual Meeting of American Water Buffalo Asociation (AWBA) that takes place on 15th November, 2008. Héctor Scannone comments that Cuba is interested in realising the Symposium, but that the Cuban presents in Mérida do not have the power of decision to appear like candidates. As a result of a proposal of William Vale and Elcio Reis, it is solved to realise the 5th Buffalo Symposium of America in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, in August of 2009. Elcio Reis informs that they count with the support of the Government of Minas Gerais and for that reason it was presented to the International Buffalo Federation in the meeting of Caserta, Italy, in 2007. Héctor Scannone clarifies that the Prof. Dr. Antonio Borghese was formally invited to the 4th America Buffalo Symposium and shows the corresponding e-mail and explains that it could be had a confusion or a communication problem, which apparently was the reason for that Professor Borghese do not receive the invitation. It is requested that the names of Otavio Bernardes and Pietro Baruselli will be added in official documents, as were incorporated in the meeting of Caserta, Italy, in 2007, but that still they do not appear in the Standing Committee of the International Buffalo Federation. It is solved to incorporate Professor Dr. Rodrigo Rosales R. like the representative person of Costa Rica and Central America. It agreed to incorporate Mr. Ismael Coronel S. like the representative person of Mexico. It is solved to incorporate to the Dr. Frederick Bowman like representative person of Canada. It is solved to incorporate Mr. Kent Underwood like the representative person of USA. It agreed to incorporate the Agronomist Gilmer Mendoza like another representative person of Venezuela. It is decides that each new member country will have to pay a fee of one hundred dollars (USD 100), for that each will receive an email of the General Secretary of the International Buffalo Federation, Prof. Antonio Borghese. Having completed the daily routine, the presents sign in accordance with the content of this Minute. ALFONOS BERNAL (OK), JESUS REGGETI (OK), TALAT NASEER PASHA (OK), LILLAWATTI RASTOGI (OK), ANGELO COLETTA (OK), MARCO ZAVA (OK), ISMAEL CORONEL (OK), RICARDO BOTERO (OK), LUIGI ZICARELLI (OK), KENT UNDERWOOD (OK), FREDERICK BOWMAN (OK), SANTOSH THOMAS (OK), RODRIGO ROSALES R. (OK), WILLIAM G. VALE (OK), PIETRO BARUSELLI (OK), OTAVIO BERNARDES (OK), CLAUDIA PATRICIA ROLDAN (OK), ELCIO REI (OK), HECTOR A. SCANNONE (OK), and FEDERICO ROMERO (OK).