Workshop on „Aquaculture in Eastern Europe”, Special session organised by HAKI during the AQUA 2006 Conference in Florence.
11.05.2006 14:44
Категория: Home page news

The workshop was organised by the Research Institute for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Irrigation (HAKI) in close collaboration with the Organising Committee of the conference and also with representatives of Eastern European countries (first of all NACEE member institutions). HAKI was responsible for the communication between the participants, invited speakers, and also for the preparation of workshop materials and proceedings.

The Workshop „Aquaculture in Eastern Europe“ was held on May 11. It was chaired by László Váradi and Andrey Bogeruk. The participants were greeted by Uwe Barg (FAO Fisheries Division) and Constantin Vamvakas (EC DG-Fisheries and Maritime Affairs). During the session, Hungarian, Russian, Czech, Ukrainian and Polish experts reported on the main trends of aquaculture development in the region and on the activity of the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Central-Eastern Europe (NACEE). The presentations clearly demonstrated that scientists from Eastern Europe are equal partners of their colleagues in other parts of the world as far as scientific level and quality is concerned, however there is still a gap between Eastern and Western Europe as far as language knowledge and international experiences are concerned. The Workshop was a major milestone for many Eastern European scientists, especially for young ones to improve their language knowledge and international experiences
