7.01.2017 01:06 Age: 8 yrs

PHYTOPHARM 2017, July 2-5, 2017, Graz, Austria

Category: MAP news, MAP events worldwide BY: MáTHé, Á. www.doclinika.ru/Phyto17/Introduction.html

PHYTOPHARM 2017 and 10th Anniversary of the TCM Research Center Graz

Medicinal plant products: challenges, safety and efficacy

Quality control of natural medicinal preparations

Best practices in traditional medicines research

TCM herbal medicine research

TCM acupuncture research

Systems biology based medicinal plant research

Technology of natural medicinal products

Advances in clinical studies of Phytotherapeutics

Regulation of herbal medicinal products and food supplements in Russia, the European Union, China and the USA


Web: www.doclinika.ru/Phyto17/Introduction.html

Links: www.doclinika.ru/Phyto17/index.html