7.02.2022 08:20 Age: 3 yrs

Regulation of Natural Products - a GA eSeminar Series

Category: MAP events, MAP news, MAP events worldwide BY: MATHE, AKOS February 18, 2022 March 25, 2022 April 29, 2022 May 20, 2022


Regulation of Natural Products - a GA eSeminar Series

The regulation of natural products is a global challenge, given the multitude of regulatory pathways and different approaches globally. Therefore, GA, the Society for Medicinal Plants and Natural Product research, steps in a series of lectures on Regulatory Affairs for (traditional) herbal medicinal products, herbal food supplements (so called botanicals), and substance-based medical devices, with leading experts from industry, authorities and academia worldwide as lecturers. The aim is to help in differentiating the different market niches for herbal products in the countries of this world and to reveal pros and cons of the categories.

Part A of the eSeminar, in autumn 2021, gave an overview of the regulation of mainly supply and quality of the products from different regulatory pathways.

Part B of the eSeminar series in spring 2022, with four issues, will give insights to the regulation of the different types of natural products in different regions worldwide, again presented by renowned experts in the field.

The first issue will be dedicated to Europe, with lectures on the three key regulatory categories for natural products in the EU:

The European system for herbal medicinal products: A good moment to
   look ahead
   Dr. Emiel van Galen, CBG-MED, Utrecht, and HMPC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Substance-based Medical Devices:
  Emiliano Giovagnoni, Aboca spa, Sansepolcro, Italy

Botanicals under Food regulation:
   Dr. Luca Bucchini, Hylobates Consulting Srl, Roma, Italy

You can download the program here.

You can register here.


Links: https://ga-online.org/regulation-of-natural-products-a-global-challenge-2/