
“Marking and accuracy requirements for pre packages under Legal Metrology control for the essential and vegetable oils industry”

“Marking and accuracy requirements for pre packages under Legal Metrology control for the essential and vegetable oils industry”

 06th May 2022, 9:00 – 12:45

 Focus areas include:

 Introduction to National Regulator of Compulsory Specifications (NRCS),

How the essential and vegetable oils industry should label pre packages according to legal metrology requirements,

How the essential and vegetable oils industry should ensure that prepackages are within tolerance and accurate according to legal metrology requirements

Launch of guideline document

The event is being supported by SAEOPA, NRCS Legal Metrology unit and UNIDO GQSP-SA

Introducing the WildCheck Report: Assessing Risk & Opportunities of Trade in Wild Plant Ingredients

Featuring a Case Study on Frankincense


A Joint Webinar with the American Botanical Council's Sustainable Herbs Program and TRAFFIC

This session will introduce a ground-breaking new report entitled WildCheck: Assessing risks and opportunities of trade in wild plant ingredients. The report aims to inspire and support responsible sourcing of the hidden wild-harvested plant ingredients found in everyday beauty, health, and food products, such as shea butter, baobab, Brazil nuts, and licorice.

This session will explore various aspects of the report through discussions with stakeholders who interact with wild plant ingredients in different ways. What is the demand for these ingredients and how has it changed in recent years? Why is urgent action needed towards responsible sourcing, and who is responsible? What are the key risks to look out for, and the opportunities for businesses to seize? These topics will be explored by the speakers alongside real-world examples from frankincense supply chains.


Caitlin Schindler, TRAFFIC
Danna J. Leaman, IUCN SSC Medicinal Plant Specialist Group
Anjanette DeCarlo, Save Frankincense
Hilary Sommerlatte, Arbor Oils of Africa

Date: Thursday, April 14, 2022
Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM




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In the framework of EOHUB course and its activities, we have set a cycle of short conferences hosted by EOHUB partners’ institutions staff.

The conference will be free for all attendees who wish to join us.


EOHUB course-cycle of conferences: January 2022

Tuesday January 11th – 15:00 hrs (CET)


Title of the presentation: Innovation and entrepreneurship opportunities in UK


Name of the speaker: Prof Florin Ioras and Prof Indrachapa Bandara


Institution: Buckinghamshire New University & EYEBB


LINK TO CONFERENCE: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YTU4YzQ0ZTUtYzczMC00ZGE3LTk0NzItNDY4Y2E2MWY2OWQ3%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%226afea85d-c323-4270-b69d-a4fb3927c254%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%223b132674-9741-4e82-945b-319d32ad33d6%22%7d

Join us on Friday, July 09, at 10:00 a.m. (Madrid time) to meet our speakers and celebrate the International Day of Essential Oils.


We invite anyone interested in the subject of Essential Oils to join this event, which will be organized on occasion of the International Day of Essential Oils.


The webinar will be free to attend, but preliminary REGISRTRATION is required at:



Convener: MATHE, Akos, Prof. Emeritus, Budapest (Hungary)




10:00 Welcome introduction. José Luis García Rodríguez. EOHUB project manager. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain.


10:02 Introduction of the Project EOHUB. Moderator - Ákos Máthé. Széchenyi István University, Mosonmagyaróvár (Hungary):


10:15 Essential Oils in Animal Health and Nutrition. Chlodwig Franz. University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna (Austria)


10:30 Brazilian Experiences with the use of Essential Oils in pet-care. Douglas Chaves, Departamento de Ciências farmacêuticas, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Seropédica/Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)


10:45 Essential oil production in South Africa; from farms to pharmacies. Karen M Swanepoel. SAEOPA (South Africa)


11:00 Improvement in the Essential Oil production of lavender and lavandin in the last decades. Guillaume Fremondier. ITEPMAI, (France)


11:15 Essential oils for applications in agronomy, what's new? Marie-Laure Fauconnier. University of Liege (Belgium)


11:30 Role of essential oils in Biocontrol research, development and training. Azucena González Coloma. Instituto de Ciencias Agrarias, CSIC. Madrid, Spain


11.45 Perspective of industrial research in essential oils. Juan Valverde. Kimitec (Spain)


12.00 Q&A. Final Remarks




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Webinar - Certifications as a Path to Sustainability? A Conversation about the Opportunities and Limits of Certification



Please note: the time zone for this event is Eastern Time.


This webinar will focus on the social and economic dimensions of growing and harvesting botanical raw materials for the global market. We will talk about economic inequities in the industry, especially for producers; the role of certifications (both B Corps and those specific to products/sourcing) to address those inequities; and the limitations and risks of those certifications.


With speakers Jan Von Enden, Martin Bauer Group; Kevin Casey, Banyan Botanicals; and Yuca Waarts, Wageningen University.


Date: Thursday, April 22, 2021

Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM


Registration: abc.herbalgram.org/site/Calendar


What is FairWild: a webinar to learn more about the FairWild Standard, certification & labelling.


If you recently heard about FairWild for the first time, or perhaps just want a refresher on what FairWild is all about, our latest webinar is for you!


Join the FairWild Secretariat on Tuesday 30 March at 10am EST / 3pm UK time / 4pm CET for an introduction to all things FairWild, including:

Who are the FairWild Foundation?

What is the FairWild Standard?

How FairWild certification works

How microenterprises, traders and brands can get involved in FairWild


FairWild Web-site: https://www.fairwild.org


Registration to the Webinar: https://mailchi.mp/66afec5d917f/fairwild-webinars-update-march-2021?e=efc5a53410

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This webinar will showcase three models of how companies are approaching and implementing regenerative agricultural practices, discuss how other companies can apply these or similar practices, and highlight strategies that can work for the industry as a whole. Attendees will walk away with ideas and tools about where to start and/or continue programs in regenerative farming for their own companies and supply network.


Date: Thursday, December 3, 2020

Time: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM


Registration (free): abc.herbalgram.org/site/Calendar


The IUCN World Heritage Outlook 3 will be launched on 2 December and the webinar, held the following week on 8 December, will celebrate this important milestone. The webinar will facilitate questions and answers between the panellists and online participants.


Keynote speakers

Mechtild Rössler, Director, UNESCO World Heritage Centre

Kathy MacKinnon, Chair, IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas

Jane Smart, Director, IUCN Biodiversity Conservation Group

Cyril Kormos, Vice Chair for World Heritage, IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas

Peter Shadie, Director, IUCN World Heritage Programme

Elena Osipova, Senior Monitoring Officer and lead author, IUCN World Heritage Programme


Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/iucn-world-heritage-outlook-3-900-cet800-utc-registration-129652904327

Dear Colleagues,


You are cordially invited to attend the "EOHUB Webinar on the application of essential oils from the point of view of the University, research institutions and companies"


The webinar will mark the first event in the “CYCLE OF CONFERENCES EOHUB - EUROPEAN HUB IN THE FIELD OF ESSENTIAL OILS”.


Date of the webinar: November 19, 2020. at 10:30 - 12:00 hours.


The webinar will be performed via the Eventbrite platform.




10:30-10.40. UPM, Spain - Introducing EOHUB Project.

10:40 - 11.00. ARMOSA, Belgium - “Registration of essential oils as insecticide in Europe”

11:00 - 11.20. KIMITEC, Spain - “When innovation meets essential oils: 4 success cases of R&D projects”

11:20 - 11.40. CSIC, Spain - “Essential oils and plant domestication: The future crop protection?”

11:40-12.00. Q&A. Final Remarks



Carlos Calderón - UPM. Moderator

Antoine Trigaux - ARMOSA

Elena Letrado/Juan Valverde - KIMITEC

Azucena González - CSIC


If you want to join us, please follow this link and add your name and email. Eventbrite platform will send you a reminder before the meeting:




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For programmes in preparation see EVENTS.